I have been searching for the right words to describe my joy regarding Allison and Scott’s wedding for some time. It will be hard to express my true love ( yes, cheesy plug inserted there ) for this wedding but I shall try. First off I have known Allison for many years, and her mom, […]
Heading back to my roots with this one ! The Retro Blogging of my first wedding of 2014 ! This wedding was just a gem ! Working with some of my favorite peeps like Diana from Simple Pleasures catering and Matt from Extreme ProD.J’s, and these two love birds Ann and Logan. These two were […]
Oh LAURA and ROBBIE, how do I love thee…let me count the ways. I was so honored when Laura choose me to be her photographer for her Forest House wedding next spring. She is a wedding planner for Alluring events so she had many photographers to choose from but I won ! Yay !!!! So […]
Yeah, I REALLY want to take full credit for how awesome this wedding turned out, but truly there were many factors that contributed to the magic that was Heather and DJ’s wedding. Like my AMAZING and talented partner Sarah Torres who I adore and takes incredible photos to add to the mix. The Stunning setting […]
ALAS A BLOG POST ! YAY ! And what a beautiful and unique wedding to blog about. Tova and Don were able to strike a wonderful balance blending the Orthodox Jewish traditions with their Modern love needs. One of my favorite parts of being a photographer is getting to experience so many different cultural events […]