Or because I had the coolest engagement session EVERRRRRRRRR. WHAT ? A bee-uuu-tiful gal, handsome guy, planes galore, a big ass hill with loads of purple flowers in bloom and big blue skys.
BAM ! Shawna actually gets stopped at airports because she is mistaken for Megan fox and Tim is a piolet that owns some of the coolest old planes. And if Shawna’s striking good looks are not enough to impress you… She is getting her Doctorate ( check out the big brain on Shawna ). Both are warm, funny and delightful. And if you are not sold yet,
Shawna has her very own BLOG.
Their engagement session = HEAVEN.
Dig these pics :
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. I love love love this photo…yes, we were covered in fox tales but it was worth it.
Megan Fox much ?
On a scale of one to ten of being ‘ Edward and Bella’, ten being the most ‘Edward and Bella’ I give it a 6.
<img src="http://truelovephoto.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/sms011.jpg" alt="slo mo run" title="slo mo run" width="850" height="567" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2662" /
I know you have seen a bunch, but if you want to see more click HERE TO SEE THEIR SLIDESHOW.
i grew up over the years at the same dance studio as shawna, and she was always one of the “big girls” all us younger kids admired. you captured her and her “mr. t” beautifully… and i can hardly wait until you photograph and blog her wedding
These are Sensational!! I freakin love you!! You’re photography is such an inspiration!!