really ?

  1. Sarah Maren says:

    BETH! You rocked out the first post just like I knew you would. WELCOME TO BLOGGING! You’re going to LOVE IT almost as much as I love you! Almost. 🙂

  2. Lyndsay Lewis says:

    Welcome to the blogging world – I will love to blogstalk you as well miss Beth! Beautiful wedding, I’ll have to tivo that show, how exciting!!!

  3. YOU DID IT! Your blog looks great Beth! Have fun =)

  4. Congratulations on your Blog!!! You are awesome.

  5. Martha says:

    Here I am!Gorgeous, can’t wait to see more and more.
    Your the bomb, do you really love jelly beans?

  6. Beth! Yea! You are such an interesting person (and always have something to say!) and take such amazing pictures that I’M SURE this will be a cake walk! So proud of you getting this up and running! Love the pictures!

  7. Cindy Lester says:

    Dude i am waiting on pins and needles for your next blog post! your Blog is Awesome! i am “subscribed” so it is like i have an i.v. hooked up to your blog and its keeping me alive with a vital fluid i need to survive!!! your blog is the best thing to happen in the world since John Stewart joined the daily show… so Blog your head off Girl!!!

  8. I love it B! Glad to see you in the blogging world!

  9. Sooooo great Beth! I’m working on our blog post about Natalie and Bob right now! You rock! Blogs are so addicting…I love looking at what everyone is doing…everyone is so incredibly talented! How inspiring we all are to each other! Yay “Wedding Folk”!!!!

  10. Bryan Green says:

    The B&W of the Bridal party is by far my favorite on your entire site, it obviously captures a great moment. Perhaps it’s the unusual angle and that the party isn’t looking directly at the camera, great idea and an amazing shot. Thanks for sharing.

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