Since I am contantly begging Jpegs from the good folks at Sacramento Magazine, I figured I better get them on the blog. Here are some of my recent published works. One point three MILLION thanks for letting me do my ‘ dream come true ‘ job and shoot for you and then for letting me […]
My foray into being a paparazzi photographer was at the 2011 California Hall of Fame induction this year for Sacramento Magazine. So very exciting shooting celebs next to many of my fellow photographers. I was a bit star struck when I saw Robe Lowe. Instantly I was a 13 year old girl admiring him Justin […]
O.k end of the year and perhaps my blog titles are not so witty….. go figure. I say this again and again, often I ponder that I can not believe my good fortune. In life, love and work, I am blessed indeed. Shooting for Sacramento Magazine is truly one of my favorite things to do, […]
LUCKY !!! Here are a few of my recent shoots for Sacramento Magazine ! LOVE LOVE LOVE doing cool shoots like these ! Shooting the annual St. Baldricks event truly touched my soul, one of the most memoriable shoots of my life. I loved the image Sacramento Magazine ran, these moments were so very touching. […]