My foray into being a paparazzi photographer was at the 2011 California Hall of Fame induction this year for Sacramento Magazine. So very exciting shooting celebs next to many of my fellow photographers. I was a bit star struck when I saw Robe Lowe. Instantly I was a 13 year old girl admiring him Justin Beeber groupie style. As he walked by I screamed ” Rob, I LOVED your book “, he stopped and acknowledged me for what seemed like an eternity and said ” who paid you to say that ” ? In my mind that was just like making out : ) I am a huge Rob Lowe fan and actually did read his book and loved it. His character on the show Parks and Recreation is one of my favorites !
I could have shot this for hours on end, the swing dancers at Veterans Salute Dance Party had mad skills. Loved watching them and shooting them ! The band The Jive Aces was incredible. Here is the one the ran in Sacramento Magazine for the ” Big Picture ” spread this month.
And as I am still super overkill in 2012, here are tons more of my favorite photos from my recent work in my beloved Sacramento Magazine : )
This is my second time photographing Clint Eastwood, he was SO nice both times. Really an awesome guy !
Clint’s wife cracking up : )
Aldridge the O.G astronaut.
I am a HUGE fan of Lisa Ling ! Also SO nice !
That is Brenna Hamilton in the cute black and white skirt, she put this whole Sindig together. Her Skirt is a circus theme as she called it a ‘ media circus ‘. Fun fact, I shot her wedding oh so many years ago.
The beach boys. Awesome right.
The most excellent shot ever : )
This last one is of my beloved Kristen and Brian at the Citizen Hotel for the last issue of Sacramento Magazine ‘ great nights out’. I LOVE these kids and I LOVE the Citizen hotel. Total win win right : )